Safe Schools Survey for Parents

Safe, Caring and Inclusive Schools Survey-PARENTS/GUARDIANS A Safe, Caring and Inclusive School (SCIS) is a place where all partners – students, staff, parents, and community members treat one-another fairly, with respect and kindness, and act in a socially responsible way towards all members of the school community. It is an inclusive community where diversity is […]

Safe Welcome Program

Our Safe Welcome Program is soon ready to go live. We are waiting for our Chubb security cards for the portables and Occasional Teachers (OTs). Once these arrive we will go live. This means all doors will be locked at all times.  Teachers on duty will use their card to open the grade 8 and […]

Crossing Guard Update

After March Break there will not be a crossing guard in the afternoon at Huron & Featherstone Street where Elliott Bus Lines Run 148 picks up/drops off. Thanks to Jeff McKinnon, our crossing guard at that stop for keeping us informed.

Equity and Inclusion

Equity and Inclusion is an important initiative in our province, board, school and nation. The WRDSB has partnered with OB2BEME is supporting sexual diversity as it relates to Equity and Inclusion in our schools.  We have included the OK2BEME link for you to check out .

Safety First

Please take extra time crossing the streets, Lancers. The snowbanks are high and visibility is difficult for drivers and pedestrians. Please take extra care in crossing the street. Safety first.    

Medic Alert

Medic Alert – is a trusted Canadian Charity since 1961.  No Child Without is a community-based charitable program that offers all elementary school aged children with medical conditions or allergy, a free MedicAlert lifesaving ID and membership.  Parents or guardians should consider this program if their child has; a medical condition, allergies and use an […]

Heads Up! Safe Kids Week is May 27 – June 2, 2013

Safe Kids Week takes place May 27 – June 2, 2013, and this year’s theme is Heads Up! Be Alert. Be Safe. Be Aware of Concussions. Concussion_supplement_e06-handout.pdf. Visit Parachute Canada’s Safe Kids Week 2013 Resources Page for downloadable resources to use in your school.