Our Safe Welcome Program is soon ready to go live.
chubb_card-tnWe are waiting for our Chubb security cards for the portables and Occasional Teachers (OTs). Once these arrive we will go live.
This means all doors will be locked at all times. 
  • Teachers on duty will use their card to open the grade 8 and grade 7 door for students to enter in the morning, after first and second nutrition break.
  • The portable will have 2 cards for entry and Mr. Premph our portable teacher will work out a process to ensure these are back with him at the end of each day (they are M-F 7-4 access only).

That means all doors will be locked at all times and visitors will buzz into the office before being permitted entry to the school. Exact date will be sometime in the next week.

Thanks for working in collaboration to keep our schools safe and running smoothly.