Year End Activities

Monday, May 6 we are having an assembly to explain our year end activity line up.  We are excited about our plans, and our fundraising in order to keep the costs of the activities reasonable for everyone. Stay tuned for details and know that a letter will come home with each of our Lancers on […]

Electronic Communication From Laurentian

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Track and Field May 3 at Laurentian

Lancers, please remember to come prepared for our preliminary Track and Field Meet at Laurentian tomorrow.  Remember to bring sun screen, your gym clothes, hats and your regular lunch (or maybe an extra snack). We are looking forward to a great day.

Lollipop Sales

We are selling lollipops for $1 at second nutrition break to raise money for end of year activities. More information to follow at an assembly on Monday, May 6, 2013.

Grade 8 Graduation

Grade 8 Graduation will be June 27 at 6:30 at Bingeman’s Park for our graduating grade 8 students.  More information will follow in a letter that will come home with Grade 8 students on Monday, May 6, 2013.

Nutrition Break

Students must also stay on school property for lunch unless a parent comes directly to the office to sign them out. Again we thank you for helping the school to be safe and run smoothly.

Dress Code

A reminder that as the nice weather slowly comes upon us students are reminded to review the Laurentian Dress Code that is posted in the school planner.  We have been reviewing the guidelines on announcements and asking homeroom teachers to review these guidelines with students.  We want our school to continue to be a safe […]

Happy Secretary Day

Happy Secretary’s Day to the two wonderful ladies in the office who help make every day run smoothly at Laurentian. We appreciate all you do for us.

School Closure

All Schools Closed, No buses Operating Due to the anticipated freezing rain and ice pellets for the Kitchener Waterloo region ALL SCHOOL BUSES, TAXIS AND SPECIAL  EDUCATION ROUTES operated by the Waterloo Region District School Board and the Waterloo Catholic District School Board, are CANCELLED and ALL SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED and ALL RENTAL PERMITS for […]

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