Chicopee Forms Due

All Chicopee Forms and money are overdue.  We expect all of our grade 7 students to attend this team building day. If finances are an issues please contact me, Ms S. Dawson or Mr. J. Adam. We are looking forward to a fantastic day for all of our grade 7 students.

Fundraising Campaign

Fundraising Packages went home Thursday, October 3.  Please help our school to raise money to off set the cost of off campus excursions, school-wide activities and resources.  We have tried to educate the student that we have to earn money in order to spend money. There are prizes and draws to be won but the […]

PD Day and Holiday Monday

Friday, October 11 is a PD Day so there is not school that day for students. Monday, October 14 is Thanksgiving Monday so there is no school for teachers or students that day.    

TERRY FOX RUN – Fri., Sept. 27th

Just a reminder that tomorrow is our annual Terry Fox Run / Spirit Day! Don’t forget to wear your Lancer school colours (head to toe!!) – we want to see a sea of blue & gold in the gym and as we do our community run. Don’t forget your $5.00 for the BBQ, which gets […]

Say Hi Day

Wear Black and Gold for “Say Hi” Day tomorrow, Thursday, September 26, 2013. By saying Hi to other students, teachers and staff within the school, students will get to know each other, connect with their school and as a result create a safer school community. Get to know each other Understand each other Be inclusive […]

Terry Fox

Terry Fox Run is this Friday.  Wear Blue and Gold to support Laurentian’s efforts to support Cancer Research.

Medic Alert

Medic Alert – is a trusted Canadian Charity since 1961.  No Child Without is a community-based charitable program that offers all elementary school aged children with medical conditions or allergy, a free MedicAlert lifesaving ID and membership.  Parents or guardians should consider this program if their child has; a medical condition, allergies and use an […]

Picture Day

Picture Day is Monday – be ready to smile for the camera.

Grade 7 Trip to Chicopee

Our Grade 7 Trip to Chicopee will be October 10.  All grade 7 students will be attending and a letter is coming home tonight with each grade 7 student.  Please sign the forms and return them to the homeroom teacher with $25 cash asap.  We are looking forward to a fantastic day for our Grade […]

Staff List For Voice Mail Extensions

The Staff List – on this website for Laurentian will give you each of the staff names and their extension.  Please note that the number you call is different than the regular school phone number.  Again we encourage you to directly contact your student’s teachers and stay in touch with them regarding your student’s progress […]

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