Winter Safety: Student Drop Off and Pick Up

Winter Safety Reminder for Drop Off and Pick Up of Students Parents that drive students to school are reminded to drop off and pick up their children across the street at the plaza. Please do not drop off students at the lights on Westmount. The street is very busy and with the recent snow, dropping off […]

Seasonal Cocoa House Evening December 11 @ 7:00

Join us on December 11 from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.  for our annual evening cocoa house celebrating the Arts at Laurentian.  Enjoy the performances of our Glee Choir, Band and Dance performances. We look forward to hosting this seasonal celebration. We are collecting a food donation on that evening to support our local food bank. […]

Grade 8 to 9 Parent reminders

All applications for Magnet Programs (Eastwood’s Integrated Arts Program, Cameron’s International Baccalaureate Program, KCI’s Fast Forward Program) are due to Mrs. Tagliabracce Friday January 9th. If you have any questions please call Mrs. Tagliabracci at 519.578.6160. Information is also available online at the respective schools. Please take advantage of the Parent and Student Information Information […]

School Council Meeting November 12 @ 6:30 p.m. in the library

Please join us for our 2nd School Council meeting in the library @ 6:30 p.m. The meeting will be short this month as we will have a special Grade 8 to 9  presentation  starting at 7:00 p.m. We will have a short teacher feature presentation and discuss the Safe and Inclusive Schools conference. We welcome […]

Remembrance Day Assembly

Parents are welcome to join us for our Remembrance Day Assembly on Tuesday, November 11 at 11:24 which is the start of Period 4.

Secondary School Parent Information Nights

Grade 8 students and parents are invited to attend the parent infomration nights at various highschools.  The information nights provide a great opportunity to find out about the courses and extra curricular activities offered.  It is important for parents and students to attend together so that the family can get a feel for the various […]

FreshCo is a wonderful community partner

FreshCo helped Laurentian provide snacks for our recent soccer tournament. They also helped with our Turkey Shoot contest by providing a price match for out Athletic Council’s annual Turkey Shoot!

Laurentian is filled with gratitude for Mel’s Diner support

Thank you for providing fresh fruit on a weekly basis. Every day, we have students who get an extra boost of energy from the apples and bananas that are donated to our school! Thank you and a huge heartfelt thanks!

Thank you for the donation for new Chromebooks

Thank you to our anonymous donor for helping us to purchase new chrome books. We want to say thanks for making a difference for our Laurentian students! You make a difference!

September is off to a GREAT start!

Lancers are walking the hallways with pride. We are almost done our first full cycle and students are finding their way and learning about the expectations in all rotary classes. Grade 8 students have been very helpful when Grade 7 students are in need of finding their way to a classroom. There are a variety […]

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