What started as a talk about music education, ended with a jam session.

Earlier this school year, Kirk Kiernander and a number of Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) staff came together to share their passion for music, and to talk about the future of music education in the WRDSB. Through that conversation, they talked about how they might share their passions with one another and the system, recognizing the role that music and the arts have played in mental health and well-being through the pandemic.

Lean On Me

Their conversation reminds us how interconnected all of us in the WRDSB are, so “Lean On Me” was the perfect song to illustrate how we call on each other when we need a support and that it’s ok to ask for help. At one point or another, we all need somebody to lean on.

Those behind the creation of this video hope to share the joy they felt connecting with one another while singing this song together. We hope that everyone in the WRDSB community – from our students, to their families and our staff – can share in this sense of joy and happiness. As trying as it has been, we have accomplished much and there is a lot to be proud of. Let’s take a moment and celebrate these milestones and our community of support as we head into the winter break and look forward to a new year together.

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