Lancer-Logo-New-b&y2015-2016 Transition Guide 2
February 2016
Dear Parents/Guardians of Grade 8 Students,
This is an exciting time of year for students as they look ahead to the many opportunities available in grade 9. As they prepare for the move to secondary school, students are required to select their grade 9 courses by Friday February 26th at noon. This year we will be using the WRDSB MyWay system. MyWay may be accessed using the following link
In order to log into this program, students MUST know the login and password that they use at school (PAL).

The on-line course selection process is very quick and easy, and teacher recommendations are visible as students are selecting their courses. More information about course options is available through the WRDSB website at

Course Selection Begins: Saturday February 20th
Course Selection Ends: Friday February 26th (noon)

With the timelines being so quick, this needs to be done by
Friday February 26th at noon so that when the system transfers
the data at 4pm, it is complete. Changes CANNOT be made in
MyWay after this deadline.

If you do not have a home computer or home internet access, are having difficulty accessing the program, navigating MyWay or selecting courses, speak to Mrs. Tagliabracci as soon as possible.

Mrs. Tagliabracci will be calling all students down to conference with them so if they do not have access we can print from Laurention. Parents, please remember to sign the MyWay Course Selection form back by Friday February 26th.

Now is the time to begin those course conversations so that when selecting classes, you are informed and ready.
Students: 1. MUST print off a copy of the courses they have selected
2. MUST have it signed by a parent/guardian
3. MUST return it to Mrs. Tagliabracci by Friday February 26th.

If you are moving before the end of the year, you must let the office know immediately and inform us of your new address. Mrs. Tagliabracci will help to coordinate the completion of course selection for a different high school if that is necessary.
please contact Mrs. Tagliabracci

Categories: News